www.PSFmagazine.com | December 2016-January 2017 | 21 20 | December 2016-January 2017 | Powered Sport Flying SLSA Aerial Work For many tasks, the public’s interest is well served by having an accountable, responsible human aboard an aircraft. Even a “man-flown” drone (operated by someone on the ground with a controller unit) does not put the ‘pilot’ at risk the same way a manned flight does. This is the surest way to avoid that air vehicle creating damage or injury on the ground. By creating specific aerial work functions, the public can be protected by keeping lsa away from large gatherings, delicate infrastructure, or sensitive areas. However, even should violations occur, the human on board can be more directly held to account for such failure than when an unmanned drone is used. Especially for public use aircraft, the public greatly benefits when their tax dollars are used more widely by lowering the cost of many functions. Like drones, helicopters are also immensely useful but their cost is so many multiples of a Light Sport Aircraft that the cost savings are large. Given the present populist mood of the public, conservative use of taxpayer funds is smart. Finally, while drones are fuel-efficient, helicopters are not and neither are single- or twin-engined piston or turbine aircraft. Light Sport Aircraft with conventional engines are vastly more fuel efficient and less polluting, making them more acceptable to a public concerned with environmental impact. In addition to their fuel efficiency, most lsa are also demonstrably less noisy than other aircraft, making them less annoying to the public; in fact, the public may hardly be aware of their operation even at heights as low as 500 feet above ground. About the Survey Light Sport Aircraft go by other names in many countries, so our survey includes aircraft with similar weight, certification standards, performance, and capabilities. These include aircraft Americans know as European ultralights or microlights (different from American ultralight vehicles), Very Light Aircraft, Experimental Amateur Built aircraft… perhaps summarized as “lsa-like” aircraft. Information was provided by 14 experts from the U.S. and other countries. All names and contacts are presented in the survey. The solicitation for input was distributed widely via email and the responses collected, tabulated, and reported by lama, the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association. The survey was done in 2014. Defining Aerial Work What aerial work IS NOT – Aerial work is not commercial use. No hauling of passengers or cargo is envisioned. Flight over areas of dense population is not requested. Night and IFR operations are not contemplated. Aerial work performed in LSA are not expected to exceed any operation parameters of such aircraft accepted as compliant with ASTM standards. What aerial work IS – Where Light Sport Aircraft can be deployed efficiently and efficaciously, their use is easily justified. Such work focuses on functions where a human in the cockpit is helpful, even essential. Specific potential activities are listed within the accompanying survey. Worldwide Aerial Work Survey Responder Responder Email Type of Work Use Country Type of Aircraft Dale Faux antiqueairways@aol.com Glider towing Germany European UL Phil McCoy mccoyphil@aol.com Pipeline survey Border patrol South Africa European UL Phil McCoy mccoyphil@aol.com Aerial application (ag use) “Africa” European UL Bill Patton Billy.Patton@usaig.com Law enforcement Germany European UL (gyro) Ole Hartmann (see comment #1) aircraftkits@bigpond.com Aerial spotting Mustering (herding) Livestock Property management Pipeline inspections Game control Shark patrol Crop inspections Aerial seeding Glider towing Australia & New Zealand LSA, Experimental, Restricted categories 1.“From our experience and interaction with the industries we know uavs have a place in specific roles. However, they will never be able to replace a human operator doing the same job in an aircraft. There will always be the human operator that will ultimately have to control the uav as well as all the back up and support equipment required. So cost-wise uav are not in front, not to mention insurance requirements for flying over [populated] areas. “It ’s a common thought by many services seeking operations, that certain aerial work has to be completed by heavy, toofast, fuel guzzling GA aircraft with high end maintenance bills attached. We have proven here in Australia that even with the large scale distances we have and the harsh operating environment, certain lsa-type aircraft are more successful and safer in many roles mentioned above than even the rotorwing aircraft. Operating costs for rotary-winged aircraft are multiples higher. “In Australia the governing/licensing body for operations in lsa type aircraft has even introduced pilot endorsements for certain type of operations such low-level flying endorsements. Examples include: mustering (basically herding using slow speed aircraft); towing endorsements [proving the pilot can] properly control and provide adequate skill, knowledge, and proficiency for pilots in the field using lsa-type aircraft in other roles than recreational or flight training.”